Air operated pumps, which are used for different purposes in many stages of the industry, are also known as air operated diaphragm pumps. As a matter of fact, this alternative name provides indications of the working principles of the pump in question.
Features of Air Operated Pump
These pumps, which are basically applied to ensure the movement of the fluid, are grouped according to their energy sources, material type or working style. Air operated pumps, as the name suggests, are the types of pumps that do not need electrical energy in terms of energy source. These special and exclusive pumps offer serious economic advantages. Pumps that use compressed air directly instead of electricity as a kind of energy source belong to the group of positive displacement pumps.
In fact, when we look at the working style, we can easily say that it has great similarities with self priming pumps in terms of basic logic. It works integrated with an ideal compressor according to the flow capacity or the pressure level required by the conditions. Air or diaphragm pumps start to become active after they are connected to the air lines of the compressors. The reason why it is primarily preferred for pumping many fluids from fuel oil to solvent is that it has an ex-proof feature, also known as non-explosion. As it is known, it is always possible to talk about such a risk for electrically operated pumps.
Air operated pumps often contain double diaphragms. On the other hand, it is possible to come across pumps where more diaphragm is used in cases where high pressure or flow is required. In this respect, we can exemplify the pumps in which three diaphragms are preferred.
How Do Air Pumps Operate?
The operating logic of air or diaphragm pumps is essentially very plain and simple. The compressed air in the system starts to fill in sequence with the movement of the diaphragm shaft. The fluid in the front part of the diaphragm in the part where the air starts to fill is compressed and starts to be directed towards the exit area from there. In all this activity, it is seen that a vacuum is formed in the front part of the diaphragm. This causes fluid to enter the pump from the source.
All this movement continues to repeat itself on a periodic level. With the continuation of the movement, of course, the suction and compression process occurs due to the diaphragm movement. In order for the air operated diaphragm pumps to work healthily, the pressure level of the air source should be paid attention to. Without a certain level of press, the system cannot operate efficiently. There are different dynamics that affect the pressure level. Despite this, the pressure value in question is in the range of 7-9 bars on average. The air activates the diaphragms in the pump in turn.
One of the most important points of these pumps is that the diaphragms work one by one and in sequence. This is one of the indispensable conditions in order to direct the fluid towards the outlet over the pressure.
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